Team Leader Meetings
Bart and Aisen will be meeting with all the Teams Leaders on every third Sunday from 9 to 10am of each month.
Many churches typically operate on a hierarchical structure – the pastor at the top of the hierarchy, beneath him the parish council, and beneath them the people. If someone has a good idea, it usually has to make its way to the pastor, and wait for his decision or his action, resulting in an overworked pastor, and a lot of frustrated people.
In our church, we’ve reduced our parish council to just five members – our two pastors and three wardens.
The rest of the work of the church is undertaken by eight teams of church members. The people who have a particular interest in an aspect of church life connect with other people who care about that aspect, and when the good ideas come up, they can be discussed and worked through and put into action by the people who care about that area.
Our Pastor and Assistant Pastor are responsible for spiritual oversight of the teams, leadership training of the teams, worship services and the annual Church Camp.
Bart VandenHengel, Senior Pastor | Born in the USA and converted to Christ when he was 19, Bart ended up in Niger (West Africa) as a missionary, where he met his Australian wife, Kim. In the 1980’s, they came to Australia to study at Moore Theological College and raise their family of three children (Andrew, Christina and Stephanie). After an eight-year return to Niger, serving as an evangelist and pastor/teacher (Bart) and in development work (Kim), Bart was called to the Parish of Penshurst in 1997. Contact Bart by phone: 9580 1217 or 0400 282 848 |
Aisen Ju, Assistant Pastor |
Aisen is married to Wendy and they have two children. He has been the assistant minister at PAC since 2013. He is passionate about preaching the Word of God and helping cell groups grow, and in his spare time he enjoys reading and hanging around with friends. Contact Aisen by phone: 9585 2943 or 0433 315 745 |
We have three Wardens on our Parish Council, who meet regularly to attend to the financial, legal and building and grounds issues.
The eight teams who care for the ministry of our church are grouped together in line with our church’s motto:
Jesus – communicated, celebrated, demonstrated.
Jesus - communicated through His Word, involves the following teams:
Children’s Ministry Team
Mission and Outreach Team
Discipleship Team
Jesus – celebrated through Worship, involves the following teams:
Sunday Worship Team
Special Services team
Jesus – demonstrated through Welcome, involves the following teams:
Sunday Welcome Team
Social Fellowship Team
Communications Team.
The Children’s Ministry Team looks after the important work of Sunday School, Kids Church and our Mothers’ Group.
The Mission and Outreach Team is responsible for supporting our missionaries and encouraging the work of mission in our church. We support several missions agencies financially by tithing the donations received at our church services, and spiritually by prayer.
The Discipleship Team are responsible for cell groups, Bible studies, New Member classes, baptism classes, the Sunday morning Welcomers and Youth Group.
The Sunday Worship Team coordinates the music teams, the technical people, the readings and prayers, everything that goes into making the Sunday service what it is.
The Special Services Team look after the special occasions – Christmas Eve carols, Christmas Day, Easter and so on.
The Social Fellowship Team organises our annual church camp, and all our special meals and events, like the Chinese celebrations of Chinese New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival, and our Passover meal just before Easter.
The Communications Team is responsible for announcements, publicity, The Voice, the church website and signage.
The Sunday Welcome Team looks after welcoming newcomers, recognising and acknowledging every person who comes; Sunday lunch, regular newcomers’ information lunches, pastoral visits and providing meals for those in need. They care about seeing everyone connected in, so no-one sits here alone and unseen.