Jesus - Communicated, Celebrated, Demonstrated
"Jesus - communicated, celebrated, demonstrated" is the catchcry summary of our mission statement.
At Penshurst Anglican Church, by the power of God's Spirit, we will endeavour to:
* Communicate Christ's gospel to the unchurched
* Incorporate new believers into Christ's body
* Educate all members towards maturity as Christ's disciples
* Demonstrate Christ's love to each other and the world
* Celebrate together the joy and hope of Christ's salvation
What is Penshurst Anglican Church?
Penshurst 聖公會的特徵是什麼?
1. We are a multi-ethnic church comprising three congregations.
We believe that we have a unique calling from God to be a multi-ethnic church, unified around the core values of acceptance, inclusion and a healthy tolerance of our cultural and linguistic differences. We are committed to being a “glimpse of heaven”— of the Universal Church in which “There is no Jew or Greek, slave or free, male or female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28) We see our church as an important hub of community life and outreach.
Our 8:00am service each Sunday is a traditional Anglican service celebrated in English using the Prayer Book.
In our largest church gathering of the week (Sunday at 10:30am), old and young people from both English and Mandarin-speaking backgrounds gather together for morning refreshments, then move to the sanctuary for 30 to 40 minutes of bi-lingual worship, prayer, holy communion, and responsive Bible readings. This section finishes with a short time of greetings and community announcements, during which the children go out to Sunday School. After this, our two language groups split up for the language-specific study of God’s Word. This section concludes at 12 noon with a common meal.
At 6:00pm each Sunday, another bi-lingual service is held consisting of 20 minutes of bi-lingual worship, liturgy and holy communion. Afterwards, we come downstairs to the kitchen area for language-specific Bible studies based on the morning sermon.
2. We are a Cell Based Church
The idea of a ‘cell church’ comes from the Biblical notion that the primary way that God’s people can truly live out the Gospel is through small, intentional communities (called ‘cells’). It is here where Jesus is given a far more intimate opportunity to do His work of transformation.
The analogy is with biological cells which are part of a larger body - yet self contained - and able to grow and multiply in number.
Cells are small groups of people who meet on a regular basis. The focus of the meeting is to encourage growth in each member's relationship with the Lord Jesus.
The meeting is loosely based on four main components:
* (Welcome) Learning more about each other
* (Word) Sharing from God's Word (the Bible)
* (Worship) Worshipping God
* (Witness) Praying for each other as we live and work in the world
Our hope is for everyone to be a member of a Cell. We believe that the depth of relationships which develop in these groups is instrumental in keeping each member firm in their faith in Jesus. The reason is as Jesus put it - that his church is to be a Body of believers - many parts, all working in unity to the edification of each other and the glory of God who breathes life into it.
Regular Cell Group Meetings
Group Name/Leader |
Day/Time/Frequency |
Place/Aprrox. size | About the group |
Kim & Bart VandenHengel | Tuesday / 7:30pm - 9pm / weekly |
The Manse - Penshurst / 12 people | We meet for tea/coffee from 7.30 for around half an hour, then have an icebreaker before Bible study for an hour. We finish up right on 9pm so that people can get away immediately if they need to, or stick around for more informal fellowship. We pray for each other and regularly enjoy meals together for birthdays and other celebrations. The vibe is relaxed and open. |
Joy Watkinson / Margaret Tilbrook | Tuesday / 7:30pm - 9:30pm / fortnightly |
Geoff's place - Oatley / approx. 9 people | We meet for fellowship and to stay connected. The main focus of the group is to be real and honest and see Jesus in the everyday of our lives. The group is very informal and aims to be a safe place for those who are struggling. Each person takes a turn at leading and this allows for a variety of topics ranging from personal dilemmas and struggles to a book or passage that one may have been inspired by. Weekends away together have been integral to our cell community and we have times of sharing, fun and rest on these weekends. We also meet socially on a regular basis. |
Megan & Jeff Powys | Thursday / 7:30pm - 9:30pm / weekly |
The Powys' place - Carss Park / approx. 16 ~ 20 people |
The group consists of a mix of 50/50 ‘Anglo –Chinese’ & 50/50 ‘Men-Women’. We are currently looking at Healing in a Christian’s life – spiritual, emotional and physical, ‘What is healing ?’, ‘Why do we need it ?’ The aim of the group is to experience Jesus in our daily life. We have a time of sharing/teaching – then pray together, women with women & men with men. |
ReCharge | Thursday / 8:00pm / weekly | Rotates between members' home (Please contact Bart on 0400 282 848) / 7 people | Open to all young Adults. Informative studies and discussions for the way youth sees themselves fit into the world. |
週二早晨組 | 星期二 / 10am -11am / 每週 | 教會辦公室 | 我們小組適合白天有空閒的弟兄姐妹參加。 我們每次按次序讀兩章舊約,一章新約。這種方式能夠提高對舊約部份的理解。分享和討論也會幫助應用聖經的道理在日常生活中。 |
週三小組 | 星期三 / 7:30pm - 8:30pm / 每週 |
教會辦公室 | 我們小組以組員輪流帶領查經的方式,目前在査路加福音。特色是討論內容活潑多樣,盡量貼合生活實際。我們經常會有聚餐,希望平日晚上有時間的弟兄姐妹參加。 |
禱告會 | 星期二 / 8pm - 9pm / 每週 |
教會圖書室 | 主要內容: 為教會,為自己,為親人/家人禱告 方式: 禱告 - 可開聲/可不開聲 |
週天査經小組 - 第一組 | 星期日 / 12:30pm ~ 2:00pm / 每週 |
教會圖書室 | 對象: 初信者,對聖經不甚熟悉者 內容: 1. 聖經基本要道 2. 通讀聖經,旨在熟悉整本聖經 3. 聖經概論,旨在以整體的角度,了解神奇妙偉大的計畫 4. 細解主禱文 方式: 按順序完成一至四內容 |
週天査經小組 - 第二組 | 星期日 / 12:30pm ~ 2:00pm / 每週 |
教會圖書室門口 | 對象: 有聖經基礎的基督徒 內容: 查經 |
査經/詩班小組 | 星期五 / 7:45pm - 9:15pm / 每週 |
教會辦公室 | 對象: 適合所有對聖經和聖詩有興趣的弟兄姐妹參加。 內容: 查經,討論,練習詩歌 |
媽媽組 | 星期日 / 12:30pm ~ 2:00pm / 每週 |
副堂後面小房間 | 對象: 所有當媽媽的 內容: 討論聖經人物(主要婦女人物),討論親子關係 |